Proud to announce that CEO & Co-Founder of Pink Lobster Dating & Matchmaking, Juliette Prais is on the Diva Power List
Proud to announce that CEO & Co-Founder of Pink Lobster Dating & Matchmaking, Juliette Prais is on the Diva Power List
It can be hard to stand out as a lesbian CEO and face genuine acceptance. Juliette Prais reveals the techniques she has built and developed in order to build a successful company regardless of her sexuality.
Love & Murder don’t normally go hand in hand. International Dating & Matchmaking Company Pink Lobster Dating have created a novel night to encourage women to literally fall in love.
Our Naturopath and Love Therapist, Marta Canadell, tells us how important it is to love ourselves in order to find love in another woman.
CEO of Pink Lobster Dating & Matchmaking Juliette Prais wrote an article for Diva about Femme Invisibility.