International Women’s Day Quiz

1. In 1918, some women were allowed to vote for the first time, but not all. How old did you have to be to vote if you were a woman?

a)  18

b)  21

c)  30

2. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize in 1903. What was the prize for?

a)  Chemistry

b)  Physics

c)  Biology


3. Junko Tabei was the first woman to climb Mount Everest after reaching the summit in May 1975. What event almost stopped her completing her mission?

a)  A broken foot

b)  A lost map

c)  An avalanche


4. The first woman to fly into space was from which country?

a)  USA

b)  England

c)  Russia


5. Amelia Earhart was a very famous aviator, but what was she the first woman to do in 1928?

a)  Fly across the Atlantic

b)  Single-handedly build a plane

c)  Fly around the world


6. In the late 1960s and early '70s, this pioneering cover girl broke barriers as the first African-American supermodel.

a)  Naomi Sims

b)  Naomi Campbell

c)  Donna Summer


7. This Jewish immigrant from Poland founded a cosmetics empire, later using her wealth to become a patron of the arts.

a)  Elizabeth Arden

b)  Helena Rubinstein

c)  Georgia O'Keeffe




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